Opdage disse 5 kraftfulde moderne markedsføring metoder til at opbygge mærkebevidsthed
# 1: Søg Ads Boost mærkebevidsthed
Ifølge en fælles undersøgelse foretaget af Google og Levis blev betalt søgeannoncer fundet at øge forbrugernes kendskab til Levi mærke med 23%, selvom annoncerne var ikke altid klikket på.# 2: Maksimer mærkebevidsthed og øge salget med gratis værktøj i sociale medier
Af alle de værktøjer til rådighed, sociale medier har den mest potentiale til at hjælpe dig med at markedsføre din virksomhed og øge brand eksponering. Bedst af alt, de fleste af disse magtfulde sociale medier værktøjer er gratis at bruge, hvilket giver dig samme mulighed som virksomhedernes giganter til at fremme dit brand.# 3: Lokke folk ind på dit websted med et indholdsrige blog
# 4: Hvordan en overbevisende pressemeddelelse kan hurtigt øge din branding profil
Hvis du hurtigt vil profilere dit brand, så skriv en overbevisende pressemeddelelse, der er nyhedsværdi.# 5: Bruge online videoer til hurtigt at opbygge din stjerne kompetence
Hvis din målgruppe samt medlemmer af medierne og blogging samfund elsker dine videoer, kan dit brand hurtigt at få anerkendelse og eksponering!
Skride til handling nu for at fremme dit brand!
Selvom der er mange andre billige og gratis metoder til at fremme din virksomhed og øge dit brand awareness, de ovennævnte 5 metoder er de mest magtfulde.Del dine brand-bygning tips
Hvis du med succes har brugt nogen af de ovennævnte salgsfremmende metoder til at øge eksponeringen for dit brand, kan du dele dine erfaringer og resultater nedenfor!
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Hi Sucheta, Thank you for your message! Differentiating your company in a homogenous market poses an exciting challenge with the potential for great rewards if you can be more successful than your competitors in doing so. A key three-step formula that we recommend here at Flashbay is as follows: 1) Create a strong and distinctive logo for your brand. The logo should be simple, memorable and unique in its appearance, to really impact your clients. 2) Understand your comparative advantage - define and articulate what your company does differently and better than your competitors. 3) Create visibility of your brand and your key competitive differentiators. There are various promotional techniques you can use to spread the word of your company and its comparative advantage, including social media campaigns, advertising, blogging etc. One of the most effective and elegant tools is to distribute promotional products to your clients, such as Flash Drives, Power Banks, Speakers etc. featuring your distinctive logo and perhaps a slogan with a key message to summarise your brand's comparative advantage. This is a great low-cost way of really increasing your brand visibility and differentiating yourself from competitors. From here, if you offer a quality product, and you are able to deliver on your promises, you will undoubtedly succeed in retaining existing clients and attracting new customers, too, enhancing the value of your company. I hope this helps, please let me know if you have any other questions. Chris at Flashbay
Hi.. I work for an epublishing company. In this domain, all the competitors possess the same features. How should i be a differentiator as a company to retain my existimg clients as well as to attract new clients?
Hi Jamal, What would you do raise awareness and even increase sales for new and existing products in the pharma market as a supplier, with your main clients being pharmacies? Without changing price?
Thanks for sharing with me, The information are very useful and can support me. I will look into all of these factors and strategies.
Hi Jamal, Here's a formula that I follow to create a strong and recognizeable brand. (1) Create a strong logo for your company and your product. Your logo should be simple, easy for people to remember, and distinctive. (2) Define your value proposition - Value proposition is about what's special and unique about your company and your products? What can you do better than others can't? (3) Create visibility and awareness of your brand by various promotional methods - blogging, twitter, facebook, youtube videos, give out promotional products such as flash drives & T-shirts with your logo imprinted on them, guest blogging, public speaking, etc. All of these are low cost ways of creating brand visibility. Now, if you are also able to deliver on your brand promise by offering a great product and providingng superior customer service, your brand value will surely increase over time. Hope this helps.
Thanks so much for the useful information, I apologize for late to reply as I was in holiday around Malaysia. I am satisfied with what you have mentioned, but if we use social media to build our brand with low cost, customer may look into the material and contents of our product. do you have any idea about other factors or strategies that can help to build brand value without costing the company a lot of money Thank you
Hi Jamal, Thanks for visiting our blog. If you want to build brand value with minimal costs, I recommend a combination of blogging and social media. Start a blog to share ideas and thoughts and offer tips and useful information. Then use social media channels like twitter and facebook to promote your blog content. You can also try to find blogs and forums related to your industry and participate in the discussions. The key is to establish yourself and your brand as the expert in your industry.
Thanks for the useful information. could you please tell me what are the strategies to build brand value with low cost